Friday, February 19, 2010


As many know, I find it comforting and enjoyable when real life resembles 90210. Recently, I requested the friendship of Ian Ziering on Facebook. He accepted my request! Today, he posted a link.

Good. Christ. Almighty.

To be honest, I'm not even sure where to begin with this. But I guess I'll start by with the admission that I will be completing the form (OK, no one is shocked). The most interesting question was, "What would you say you are most interested in?" Because the last choice was neither. It's almost like they KNOW 90210 fans are going to fill it out, hoping for a personal call from Ian himself (Ian, the best time for me would be evenings, when I'm home from work). Do they think they are going to trick me somehow?

But, really, the first thing that I thought of was, "Oh my god, Sandershine!!!" Because, as any diehard 90210 fan will remember, Steve Sanders is no stranger to producing infomercials. He comes across as very polished and professional when selling this product (whatever it actually is - a cream? a system?). And it MUST be because, in Season 7, Episode 22, he had to make an infomercial for a class at California University. So he created Sandershine. It didn't work out so well, and he ended up with a sticky mess. But Steve was crafty, and he turned it into a powerful pitch for Sanderstick glue. Brandon and Tracy were unimpressed.

Seriously, though? Ian is selling anti-aging products? Life imitates art and when the art in question is 90210 - that's just great.

PS - When I clicked on the "science" section, I was seriously hoping that one of the scientists was going to be Kevin Weaver (aka Karl Cavandish), with his scammer wife Suzanne.

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